
This page is to specify all the restrictions I have as well at the restrictions on specific animals.
CAGES ARE TEMPORARILY REQUIRED IN ORDER FOR ME TO TAKE IN ANY ANIMALS! Food for the specific animal would be greatly appreciated as well since I do not have any other food besides rat and mouse food.

OPEN CAGES: 2 single mouse cages.

I am currently not taking in any more rats until I rehome all the rats I have up for adoption now. But when I do take in rats, they CANNOT be sneezy AT ALL!!! Rats are very contagious when they do that and I recently took in a rat that was sneezy and I did quarantine and STILL got the rest of my rats sick and now it is costing me tons of money to treat everyone with antibiotics to rid of the "sneezes".

I am restricted to smaller snakes. Not tiny, but the largest snake I can take in is 4 feet, however, I can take in smaller/young big snake species. I also have aggression restrictions. I cannot take in any aggressive snakes since I do have a small child at home. The ONLY way I can take in an aggressive snake is  if it COMES WITH a COMPLETELY SECURE (preferably lockable) cage. I WILL NOT TAKE IN ANY VENOMOUS SNAKES UNDER ANY CONDITIONS!

Due to overpopulation in San Diego County and the abundance of cats in shelters and rescues, we will only be taking in cats that we believe we will be able to find homes for. This means nothing too old, and preferably a "cute" cat. But email Shelby if you have a situation that forces you to rehome your cat. *PLEASE SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS* -all cats adopted out that are not fixed, will be adopted under a spay/neuter mandatory contract-